…Its another.

We are all aware about the different “phases” that our babies will go through. The growth spurts, wonder weeks, hunger strikes (those really happen!), but what I have considered the worst of them all: sleep regression.

Ah, the fourth month wakeful… Ethan has never been the best of sleepers (every two hours at night is still the norm). However, he had been pretty easy to put down: shush, rock, sleep. Even last week, he gave me some long stretches, including a 7.5 hrs one. He had also been taking one long nap in the morning, normally 2 hours, which allowed me to shower, eat lunch, and work on my crafty side!. 

And then, my little monster turned 4 months, and all hell broke lose. The cat naps have returned, and I am lucky if I get 3 hours out of him for his longest stretch of the night. He has also decided that no position is comfortable enough, so we play the guessing game for at least 45 minutes every time he goes to sleep.

Feeding him has also been a challenge. Apparently, everything around him is ten times more interesting than eating during the day. And then, night time comes, and you would think I have been starving this kid, because all he wants to do is eat every hour or two!

So, as I ride this wave and pray for this phase to be over soon, I look at my little peanut, and realize that no matter how hard he fights his naps or how often I have to feed him, there is nothing more amazing than looking into his eyes and falling in love all over again.