Today marks 37 weeks and 6 days of pregnancy, as well as my first time delving into mommy blogging. It has been an incredibly long 9 months, and if it wasn’t for my constant internet involvement through forums and research, I don’t think I would have survived.

So here I am, ready(ish) for motherhood. You might be thinking “is anyone EVER ready?” and frankly, I have been asking myself the same thing. The answer, as far as I am concerned, is YES. I am ready to expect the unexpected, to screw up more times that I would like to admit, to become a professional on “trial and error”, to completely change my life, and to fall in love all over again.

Ethan Marc is due on October 19. The idea of having to wait at least 2 more weeks is daunting at best. I am running out of things to do, yet I am too tired to complete those that are left undone. If I could list the amount of things I have thought about doing during this time, this blog would be endless. Alas, I have decided to keep it short, and sweet.

I don’t expect this blog to be filled with puppies and rainbows. Frankly, I find it refreshing to read about the things that nobody ever tells you about pregnancy and about motherhood. So, If you plan on following my journey (and I hope you do!), expect to read the honest truth about it all.

Thank you for reading, and thank you for getting on board with me. Let the games begin!
